classific of 10 best gay cinema's movies untill today - la classifica dei 10 miglior film gay usciti al cinema fino a oggi.

Ladies and gentleman, now i still the classific of best gay cinema's movies of the world (for me)
Signori e signore ecco a voi la classifica dei migliori film gay - lesbo - trans di tutto il mondo (per me), bene cominciamo!

Well, we start:

At position 10 we found: the kids are alright - i ragazzi stanno bene
Very interesting story about two womans who married and his children.
vote 6.5

to 9 position:  the normal heart
vote 6/7
A story about hiv, very sad and delicate. The true love cannot win everyting

and to 8 position we found Transamerica
Funny, original and intense film about a transexual and his son. I loved it.

Love, simon is in 7 position of my list:
an incredible story about the coming out of Simon, a good boy. I liked it, very realistic (not in the final) and original, cute.
VOTE 7,5

to 6: Carol
Magnetic and intense, a story about two lesbian and her intense love. Poetical.
Vote 7,5

And now we are to the half part of classific. At 5 position there is: Call me by your name - chiamami con il tuo nome
A success of boxoffice, a summer love between a twink and a mature man. Unforgettable the scene. with the peach.
vote 7

Now the classific become hot: 4 position dedicated for Dallas Buyers Club.

Is the most big part and actor's proove for Jared Leto. Intense, cruel and realistic. A film with a lot of heart and hardness.
vote 9.5

we are now on the podium: third position for the most famous gay film: Brokeback mountain
I've seen this film for five times, i cried all the times.
vote 8,5

to 2 position we found the incredible, iconical :The adventure of Priscilla queen of the desert - la regina del deserto
All the dialogues of this creation are history of cinema's geniality. No other words i can say. This is a funny, immortal, majestic.
Vote 10

Now to first position of my podium there is a suprise: Mine vaganti.
An italian film with much heart, intensivity. The dialogues are written very well. You cannot miss this film. Must watch with subtitle if you are not italian but you must see it.


Buona visione miei pleases - good vision my babypleases!
